Wednesday 28 April 2010

Home Fitness Equipment To Keep You In Shape

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For more and more people, home fitness equipment has become a must-have item. The convenience of having access to exercise equipment in their home is a big factor, as is the cost savings of home fitness equipment in comparison to gym or fitness club memberships.

But what is the best home exercise equipment on the market? The answer is “it depends” because each person has different needs, different space available to hold home fitness equipment, and different budgets available to spend.

In generally, the simplest equipment is the most likely to be used on a regular basis. If you select home fitness equipment that is too complicated, too hard, or just not something you like to do, chances are it will sit in a corner somewhere collecting dust. Think carefully about what kind of equipment you are most likely to use, and whenever possible, try it out ahead of time to make sure you really like it.

Home Gyms

A common piece of home fitness equipment is the home gym. This type of equipment is primarily used for building muscle, shaping, and toning the body. There are three main types of home gyms:

• Traditional
• Power rod
• Gravity resistance

Traditional home gyms may have free weights and barbells, or be machine-type gyms with several stations and functions attached to a single steel frame. A free weight system is good for exercise enthusiasts who are knowledgeable about proper form and technique for lifting weights. For less experienced users, though, a machine-type gym offers most of the same benefits while helping to ensure good technique by using prescribed motions. A traditional home gym usually requires quite a bit of space to hold the equipment and also allow enough room around the perimeter to access the stations and perform exercises.

Power rod home gyms have surged in popularity over the last decade, driven primarily by the Bowflex brand of home fitness equipment. A power rod machine uses flexible rods of varying stiffness connected to a cable and pulley system. When the cables are attached to different rods the user can either increase or decrease the resistance they will experience. Power rod equipment typically requires less space than a traditional home gym and is usually less expensive. The materials are not as durable, though, and this type of home fitness equipment is not suitable for serious athletes who require sturdier equipment with a greater range of weight resistance.

Gravity resistance home gyms are typically the lightest weight and least expensive type of home gym. This home fitness equipment uses an adjustable metal frame and a gliding board or bench to perform exercises. The user lies on the board in various positions, and by pulling on a cable and pulley system, the weight of their body creates the resistance they experience. This type of system is often quite compact, folding up for easy storage. The disadvantage to that feature, though, is that equipment kept out of site tends to be out of mind and not used on a regular basis.


Another popular type of home fitness equipment is the treadmill. While this tends to be a large piece of equipment and can be quite expensive, it is also a very versatile piece that is suitable for exercise enthusiasts of varying fitness and skill levels. The most expensive models are extremely durable and can handle a great deal of intense use by serious runners. More mid-range models are not quite as durable, and the low-end models are generally best suited for walking and light uses.

Treadmills can take up quite a bit of space so you should make sure your home can accommodate the size and weight of whichever model you select. Do not put your treadmill in a garage or any other space that is not climate controlled, because the motor and other parts are not designed for outdoor or semi-outdoor use. Look for a treadmill that has at least a 1.5 horsepower motor, and preferably one that is 2.0 horsepower or more. The belt should be long enough and wide enough to accommodate the length and width of your stride, and it should be constructed of at least two-ply material to withstand the friction and impact of your activity.

Elliptical Trainers

This type of home fitness equipment first appeared in the 1990’s, and it has gained tremendously in popularity ever since. Modern elliptical trainers provide motion and exercise to both the upper and lower body, making it an effective and efficient full body workout.

When looking for an elliptical trainer, whenever possible opt for a rear drive system rather than a front drive system. Rear drive machines are far sturdier, more reliable, and provide a smoother motion for the user. The resistance system will vary according to price, with the least expensive models using a manual system, mid-range models using a motorized brake system, and the most sophisticated high-end models employing an eddy current brake system. Stride length is another important thing to keep in mind, because different people have different natural strides. Look for an elliptical trainer that allows you adjust the stride length to suit your own body style and stride length.

Stationary Bikes

Stationary bikes have been around for several decades, yet they remain popular as simple, easy to use home fitness equipment. Modern stationary bikes come in many shapes and sizes, so it is fairly straightforward to find one that fits in the available space inside your home. While traditional bikes have the user sitting upright, just as they would on a regular bicycle, more and more exercise enthusiasts are turning to recumbent seating instead. A recumbent exercise bike allows you to sit in a slightly reclined position while pedaling with your legs in front of you. The benefit of this type of bike is that is places much less strain on the back, making it well suited to people who are prone to back soreness or pain. Some models also come with the option of arm motion, too, usually accomplished with handles or a cable and pulley system.


Whatever type of home fitness equipment you choose, the most important thing to do is select something that you will find enjoyable, convenient, and easy to use. If you don’t, it is likely that you will gradually stop using it and it will become just another item sitting unused in the corner. The best home fitness equipment is that which you use regularly, so make your own comfort level the most important consideration when making a selection.

By J. Amos

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Saturday 24 April 2010

Tips About Fitness Equipment

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Fitness equipment can help you get into shape faster. You will look great and feel better. Exercising increases your metabolism and your energy level. They type of exercise equipment you will use depends on what you want to accomplish. Some types of equipment are for a cardio workout, others target trouble areas including the stomach, hips, and thighs. Weight lifting fitness equipment is designed to help a person build muscle and strength. Don’t be fooled by those late night infomercials offering you fitness equipment that will give you miraculous results overnight. The truth is it takes time, effort, and dedication to see great results no matter what exercise equipment you use.

Some people like to purchase their own fitness equipment. This allows them to work out in the privacy of their home or garage at any time of the day or night that suits them. This may be because they enjoy working out alone, they are embarrassed to have others see them or because they have small children they won’t have to get childcare for. In my case, I enjoy doing Taebo, but I am very uncoordinated. I only do it in the privacy of my own home where no one else can see me. I am sure my moves don’t exactly resemble those on my TV screen.

Be careful when you are selecting home fitness equipment. You don’t want to pay a great deal of money for something that is going to end up stored in your closet or shed. Take the time to read reviews on various exercise equipment. If you aren’t able to try the product before you buy it make sure it has a money back guarantee in case you aren’t happy with how the product operates. Since most of us can quickly get bored doing the same routine, choose home fitness equipment that allows you to do a variety of exercises on it.

Videos and DVD’s are popular fitness equipment that are used in the home. You can do fun cardio exercises as well as stretching and yoga by following along on these home videos and DVD’s. For best results, purchase the small hand weights, jump rope, exercise mat, and exercise ball that offer you the best overall fitness workout. For men, weights are the most common fitness equipment. They use it to get fit, lose weight, get stronger, and build their muscles. It is a good idea to purchase a weight set that is easy to adjust because as you get stronger you will be able to use more weight for your reps. A weight bench is also good for lifting and for bench pressing.

The gym or a fitness center is a great place to find all the various types of fitness equipment you want in one convenient location. Going to the gym is a great place to get into shape as well as motivate yourself. It may be the one place you go each day that is exclusively for you. If you have a spouse and children then you know exactly why that is important. The gym is also a great place to try out particular fitness equipment that you may be interested in purchasing to use at home.

By Kelly Johnson

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Tuesday 20 April 2010

Fitness Equipment - Where To Start

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No one ideal piece of exercise equipment and no one ideal exercise club or fitness facility exists. These days you can research, and buy fitness equipment, treadmills, exercise equipment, home gym equipment, elliptical trainers online, usually at prices which are better than you'll find in fitness equipment stores. There are many other types of home fitness equipment, including free weights, ski machines, ab machines, and hybrids like exercise riders. Home exercise equipment such as abdominal exercise machines, fitness home gyms, treadmill, yoga, boxing, cardio, kickboxing gear fitness supplies and equipment are all readily available online.

This article will walk you through a series of steps in determining the fitness equipment that best suites your exercise requirements. The two major market segments for fitness equipment are the home and the institutional exercise equipment market (including health clubs, corporations, apartments, and hotels). For the biggest selection and lowest prices on exercise and fitness equipment, it's wise to compare prices. Read about the best exercise and fitness equipment you can buy, so you'll be knowledgeable about whether the latest fitness equipment is actually the best fitness of its type. A well-rounded fitness plan includes cardiovascular exercise, strength training and stretching, so consider how you'll accomplish these components when doing your fitness equipment comparison shopping.

What you should be looking for when selecting fitness equipment online is a wide selection of quality cardio and strength training equipment, to safely help you lose weight, build muscles, and counter aging.

Quality body building equipment, fitness equipment, treadmills, home gyms, bikes, rowing machines, ellipticals are all types of fitness equipment which can assist in achieving cardio fitness, strength training, weight loss, and muscle building. The fitness equipment you choose should be specific to your individual needs depending on your health, fitness and quality of life goals.

Golf Fitness Equipment

Golf fitness equipment has rapidly become a fitness equipment niche. It is more popular than almost any other fitness equipment niche. Three or four pieces of inexpensive and portable golf fitness equipment are essential for the avid golfer. There are so many different types of golf fitness equipment to choose from. Stability balls are the sort of golf fitness equipment that any golfer with a bad back should have. Golf fitness equipment that many golfers have found to be very effective is the weighted club. Next on the list of golf fitness equipment is tubing. Another piece of golf fitness equipment is a stability ball. The inside approach is another great golf fitness equipment to help improve any golf swing. Although not specific to golf fitness training, imple dumbbells can also be very useful golf fitness equipment to have in your golf fitness equipment range.

By Brigitte Smith

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Friday 16 April 2010

Getting The Most Out Of Your Home Fitness Equipment

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Many of us make New Years resolutions to get in shape, lose weight, and exercise more. This usually means either a trip to sign up at a local gym, or buying a piece of home fitness equipment. Buying fitness equipment for your home can often be a better choice, especially if your local gym is out of the way from your home and work.

Many people sign up with full intentions of going but find that it is too much of an inconvenience. However, many people also buy expensive equipment only to end up using it to hang their laundry on (sound familiar?). Read on to learn how to make the most of your home fitness equipment.

If you have a spare room, consider making it into a home gym. Keeping all your gym equipment in one place makes it easy to find and feel more like a real gym. You should also try and remove other clutter from your home gym. Make sure you have some upbeat music on hand and perhaps even a TV. You’ll be surprised how quickly a workout can go by when you’re watching your favorite shows.

Equipment Must-Haves

If you don’t currently have any home fitness equipment but are ready to start building your home gym, you may be confused as to which equipment is best.

Start off with one piece of cardio equipment. To get the most bang for your buck, look into an elliptical trainer. These simulate running, but are virtually no-impact. Look for one that allows you to move your arms as well since this means burning more calories.

Treadmills are also a great choice, but keep in mind that they are much harder on your joints. A stationary bike is also a popular piece of gym equipment, but you won’t get as much benefit from your workouts.

A universal gym is a great addition to your home gym as well. These combine several types of weight machines into one. A great choice if you don’t have a lot of space. You may also want to get a stability ball, resistance band, and other hand weights. This should make for a perfect home gym, which you and your family can use and enjoy for many years.

By John Lenaghan

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Monday 12 April 2010

The Different Uses Of Fitness Equipment

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When it comes to exercise and achieving the individual fitness goals that we set for ourselves, often we need more fitness equipment than just our own body. Increasing fitness levels and achieving overall health, requires a commitment to a regimented eating and exercise program that will result in the shedding of fat and building of muscle. But in order to achieve these goals we must first identify the type of exercise that is likely to mean success for our particular body – and the type of fitness equipment that will help us do it.

For cardiovascular exercise - the fitness equipment depends on the type of exercise you choose. Runners - and walkers for that matter - require a good pair of shoes as their exercise equipment. Proper shoes can never been underestimated; they will further fitness goals and prevent injury. Whether running or walking, pounding on pavement can put an enormous amount of stress on knees, ankles, feet, and even back. High quality shoes can absorb the shock and make this fitness experience a much more pleasant one.

Other fitness equipment corresponds to other cardiovascular exercise - kickboxing often requires a punching bag; boot camp programs may require a medicine ball; and a high-energy step class will require a sturdy step on which to perform your exercises. For those who prefer to get their exercise by machine, fitness equipment may include the treadmill, stair climber, stationery bicycle, and elliptical machine.

But of course, fitness equipment extends to other forms of exercise as well. Weight training requires a variety of weights - both machine and free weights. Core training - such as yoga and Pilates - requires mats as a part of fitness equipment.

Fitness equipment does not have to be high-end expensive pieces of machinery. Optimum physical fitness can be achieved in the comfort of your home by simply utilizing every day objects around the house in order to supplement your exercise routine. Do dips on a kitchen chair, squats against a wall, or sprints on your stairs - exercise doesn’t have to be confined to a gym. As a matter of fact, many people consider their exercise videos to be the most important piece of fitness equipment that they have.

Fitness equipment can maximize your workout and go a long way towards helping you achieve your fitness goals. Keep your choices in fitness equipment creative - you’ll soon discover that exercise can be quiet enjoyable.

By Michelle Bery

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Thursday 8 April 2010

Elliptical Equipment: The Best Piece Of Fitness Equipment For Your Home

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The newest cardio equipment that has hit the fitness market is the elliptical training equipment. It gives individuals full and low impact body workouts. However, people must learn if these machines have been living up on the beneficial claims.

The University of Wisconsin's researchers known as La Crosse have compared the motorized treadmill from the NordicTrack Ellipse elliptical trainer. They focused on parts like the cycle ergometer and stairstepper to determine the differences among the provided exercise modes of both equipments. Their study revealed that running a treadmill and Ellipse displays no important differences in terms of heart rate, calorie expenditure, and oxygen consumption. Both equipments have provided superior workouts on its test subjects over the cycle ergometer and stairstepper.

The researchers also discovered that impact forces that are produced by the Ellipse is similar to walking, while running a treadmill became the number one activity in providing maximum amounts of exercise impact, which could cause knee and joint pain. John Porcari who is the lead researcher explained that the Ellipse ground forces reaction is less than a half, compared to treadmill running, thus the motion of each equipment is giving workouts with similar intensity. Moreover, orthopedic injury is less likely to be acquired.

The ACE (American Council on Exercise) commissioned a recent study headed by Doctor Len Kravitz. It was conducted at the University of Mississippi camparing 4 elliptical trainer's overall qualities.

The equipment being tested are the NordicTrack's Ellipse selling at $599.95 dollars, the ICON Health and Fitness, Incorporated's HealthRider Elliptical Crosstrainer at $499.99 dollars, the Guthy-Renker's Power Train at $199.80 dollars, and the Quantum Television's Cyclone Crosstrainer at $399 dollars.

Seven women and seven men performed the rigorous elliptical trainer testing. The four elliptical trainers surprisingly displayed similar test outcomes including perceived exertion ratings, calorie expenditure, heart rate, and stride speed. The perceived exertion ratings range from 12.5-13 correlating to a challenging yet a comfortable workout. The ACE's study on each equipments revealed that effective workouts are given to both women and men. Their burnt calorie was equivalent to an 11.5 minutes mile running or a powerful aerobic dancing.

University of Mississippi's researchers also surveyed each machine's personal responses on the provided test subjects. The overall preferences based from the fourteen participants have ranked the equipments from the top to the least of their favorites. The Ellipse is on the top of the list, second was the HealthRider, third was the Power Train, and the last was the Cyclone. Nevertheless, Consumer Reports magazine have recently reported problems on the Ellipse in the form of durability failures. Needless to say the researchers and test subjects have proven the effectiveness of NordicTrack's Ellipse.

The research team of Dr. Kravitz also provided their comments. Five out of seven women has been hit on the knees by the Cyclone's center guard panel. The HealthRider started to make an extremely loud noise on its metal parts after a one hour use.

Moreover, Kravitz stated that the Cyclone and the Power Train appears to be made inexpensively to have a competitive price. The Health Rider is a product launched before it's ready but it's very smooth when running on it and gives a highly satisfactory service although the quality has not been tested. The ellipse compared to other equipment is more solidly built, feels smooth, runs smooth, and the most durable.

The studies from both universities lend credibility on the elliptical trainer's effectiveness. Make sure you thoroughly do your own research prior to purchasing any fitness equipment including elliptical trainers.

By Toby Pizur

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Sunday 4 April 2010

Home Exercise Equipment – Choosing The Proper Fitness Equipment For Your Workout Routine

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The fitness industry has become big business as more and more people work out to get in shape. Many companies have gotten onboard the bandwagon, and the number of different types and brands of home exercise equipment available is amazing. While it is great to have options, trying to figure out which piece of home fitness equipment is right for you can be an overwhelming process. One way to help manage all this information is to identify what type of exercise or training you plan to do. Add in other factors such as your personal fitness level, budget, and space available and pick the equipment that best fits your criteria.

What Is Your Goal?

Before purchasing an exercise bike, treadmill or other type of home fitness equipment, it is important to decide what it is you hope to accomplish. Are you trying to lose weight? Perhaps you want to get in shape, tone your muscles? Maybe you want a good cardio workout? Or you may have several of these results in mind. Exercise equipment varies in its effectiveness in certain areas and by knowing what you want from your workout, you will be able to focus on those that do what you want.

Assess your Fitness Level

Also do an assessment of your comfort level with different types of exercise or movement. Do you have weak knees or a bad back? Would you rather sit than stand? How is your balance? Each type of home fitness equipment requires you to use different posture and movements and you don’t want to pick something that will cause injury or irritate an existing condition. You also don’t want equipment that is uncomfortable to use because it will be difficult to stick to your routine.

Space Considerations

The fact is, if you live in a small apartment or have limited space in your home, you may not have room for a large piece of equipment like a home gym or weight sets. Many pieces of equipment fold up for storage, but if you have to move the coffee table or love seat every time you want to fold out the treadmill, you are less likely to exercise on a regular basis.

What’s In Your Wallet?

Some exercise equipment can be quite expensive, especially for a quality product. On the other hand, you can purchase some equipment off TV ads or special promotions for a very reasonable price, but does the stuff really work? And will it last for more than a few weeks? Most experts recommend that you wait to purchase home fitness equipment until you can afford to purchase something that has good customer satisfaction ratings and is made by a respected fitness equipment manufacturer. Also be aware that some types of equipment cost more than others and may not fit your needs or your budget no matter how long you save.

Consider Your Choices

Once you have assessed your needs and situation, you can evaluate the different types of equipment against your criteria.

Exercise bikes have been around for decades and have improved in design and function over the years. They have been proven to provide weight loss and health benefits if used consistently and correctly. They offer a good cardio workout as well, while limiting impact and injury to knees and other leg joints. They typically do not fold up and can tend to take up space. Exercise bikes fall in the economy or moderate range for price in comparison to other types of home fitness equipment, although some can be quite expensive, especially if they are computerized.

Recumbent exercise bikes, which put users in a slightly reclined position, place less stress on the back and knees but tend to cost more. Some people find the position and motion uncomfortable if they are used to traditional bike riding.

Treadmills are another type of fitness equipment that has been around for some time. They also provide a good cardio workout if properly used, and many come with built in features such as an adjustable platform and computerized workout to help enhance the effects of your exercise routine. There is some jarring and joint stress involved with running, on a treadmill or other surface, so this equipment may not be a good choice for those with knee and hip concerns.

Some treadmills fold up for storage, making them a good choice for those with limited space. Treadmills run the gamut in price range, and can usually fit in any budget, but in most cases you get what you pay for and a very inexpensive model may not be safe or effective.

Elliptical trainers are the latest craze in home fitness equipment. They provide the exercise benefits of walking or running while eliminating the impact on hips, knees, or ankles. This can be good for those with injuries or weakness in those areas. But others who are concerned about building or maintaining bone density may prefer a different type of equipment.

Some elliptical machines fold up to save space when not in use. They generally fall in the mid to higher price range compared to other types of fitness equipment, and again, price often reflects quality.

A stair stepper provides another choice for those who want to burn calories and get a good cardio workout with reduced impact to knees and hips. Stepping height can be adjusted to accommodate different body sizes and fitness levels, however, it can be easy to put too much stress on ankles and back when using a stair stepper. Both size and price are in the moderate range.

Some people prefer the variety and intensity provided by a home gym or weight training station. People are more likely to exercise if they have several different options to choose from, and a selection of different or adjustable equipment provides the opportunity to target all areas of the body. However, home gyms tend to take up more space than other equipment and will almost always cost more for quality equipment. It may also be important to have instructions before using some features of the gym to avoid injury.

There are many other types of home fitness equipment, including free weights, ski machines, ab machines, and hybrids like exercise riders. Be sure to research a piece of equipment before buying and avoid those that make claims that sound too good to be true – they probably are.

Many fitness experts and trainers recommend that you try out a piece of equipment before purchasing to be sure it feels comfortable. If buying online, try to find a gym or exercise store that has the equipment and give it a test ride. Most companies charge shipping and handling to return online orders if you return an item for reasons other than manufacturer defects or damage.

By C.J. Gustafson

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